On the Bright Side

By Laura Davies AKA. BrightFeather <brightfeather1.geo@yahoo.com> <ldavies1@gsu.edu>

Rated: PG

Submitted: May 2002

Summary: Lois and Clark meet — Monty Python? This small moment of madness is definitely not to be taken seriously.

All of the usual disclaimers apply; the song lyrics to "Look On The Bright Side Of Life" are from "Monty Python and the Life of Brian"


"I shouldn't have let him go!" Lois cried. "It's over, everything's over!" Lois collapsed into Jonathan's arms as she watched her dearest love fly off with Zara and Ching.

"It's okay, honey. Dearest Lois, a love that risks nothing is worth nothing," Jonathan soothed before breaking into a huge smile. He let go of Lois and began to sing:

*"Always look on the bright side of life. *


*Always look on the light side of life. *


*If life seems jolly rotten,

There's something you've forgotten,

And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.

When you're feeling in the dumps,

Don't be silly chumps.

Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing." *

Martha joined him and soon the entire newsroom had joined the elderly couple in song.


Always look on the bright side of life. *


*Always look on the right side of life, *


*For life is quite absurd

And death's the final word.

You must always face the curtain with a bow.

Forget about your sin.

Give the audience a grin.

Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow." *

Perry began doing a high kicks routine and pulled the entire Daily Planet staff in with him as they continued to sing.


Always look on the bright side of death, *


*Just before you draw your terminal breath. *


*Life's a piece of shit,

When you look at it.

Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.

You'll see it's all a show.

Keep 'em laughing as you go.

Just remember that the last laugh is on you." *

Lois screamed. It just wasn't fair! Her fianc‚e had left for parts unknown to save a planet on the brink of war and they were *singing *. She climbed up to the window from which Clark had left her and leapt out, as if she were trying to follow him. The Kents and the rest of the newsroom failed to notice as they continued to sing.

*"And… Always look on the bright side of life. *


*Always look on the right side of life. *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


*Always look on the bright side of life! *


Some time later, Lois' broken body was found lying on the pavement below the Daily Planet's famous globe. As they began to pick up the lifeless form, and put it on a gurney for transport to a morgue, she opened her eyes and said, "I feel better, I don't want to go on the cart."

The medical examiners looked at her in shock as she got up, and shook out her clothes. She looked at the open-mouthed men. "I feel like going for a walk," she said with a somewhat sad smile. Lois walked away, heading toward her apartment to wait for Clark to come back.